Monday, April 6, 2009

The Sound of Music

Ever since Tutu had her first violin lesson we have been bombarded with violin everything. She has taught all of us the parts of the violin and all of the strings. We play a game with the violin called copy cat. In this game one person plays a set of strings in a certain order and then the other person copies it. It is kind of fun :) and since we have a whole family of violins (3 different sizes) it is pretty easy for everyone to get involved. Here are a few pictures of Zoe before her first lesson and then teaching her Uncle Lee the parts of the violin. Our next lesson should happen sometime this week, so hopefully we will be learning something new!!!


  1. You will have to do a podcast of Zoe playing her violin. That would be priceless....

  2. How cute! Copy cat sounds like fun! My dad already has a kid sized guitar for John and can't wait to teach him how to play. Has she learned any little songs yet?

  3. Thank you guys for commenting!!! A podcast would be fun, if our ears can stand it :) and no songs yet...her homework was to write a song to teach to her teacher (so she learns the strings) kinda like the copy cat idea.

  4. That is the cutest little violin. I did not know they made violins that small. Too cute! Yes, you must make a podcast of her performing.

  5. Zoe! I'm so proud of you!
    Your bow hold looked great last week and we are almost done learning the twinkle!
    See you soon!
    ~Miss Karina
